Caroline Heard
Name: Caroline Heard
High School: Forsyth Central High School
College (Current or Future): University of Georgia
Major/Intended Major: Exercise and Sports Science
Financial Aid Program: Zell Miller Scholarship
Before Caroline Heard even reached Forsyth Central High School, she knew about the state’s financial assistance programs.
“Teachers and counselors had told us about the HOPE programs since I was in middle school,” said Heard.
Caroline took advantage of Dual Enrollment, taking classes at Gainesville State College during her senior year and earned the Zell Miller Scholarship to attend the University of Georgia.
“It was such a great honor and was extremely helpful throughout my four years at UGA,” said Heard about receiving the scholarship. “You save thousands of dollars that you can spend on something else.”
She saved money by graduating in four years with a degree in Exercise and Sports Science. Caroline has since been accepted into the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at Mercer University, one of the best in the state.
“Thanks to the Zell Miller Scholarship, my family saved more than $50,000 in tuition,” Heard said, “and I’m now able to afford going to professional school to get my doctorate.”
Regardless if your path eventually leads to a graduate degree, Heard advises high school and college students to take advantage of state programs like the Zell Miller Scholarship if at all possible.
“You should definitely work hard in high school and make sure you meet the program’s requirements,” Heard said, “because it saves you money in the future.”