Net Price Calculators
What is a Net Price Calculator?
Each college has a Net Price Calculator. Search Georgia's Net Price Calculators for an estimate of how much it will cost to attend a specific college.
What is a Net Price Calculator?
The Net Price Calculator is a tool for students and parents to get an estimate of what it may cost to attend a given college. Most colleges have their own Net Price Calculator that includes their specific costs. The information you receive from the calculator is a broad estimate geared primarily for first-time, full-time students and may vary from student to student depending on personal factors. It is an estimate based on cost of attendance (COA) and financial aid provided to students in a previous year (if applicable). The estimates are not binding on the colleges or the state.
How does it work?
To estimate your net cost, the Net Price Calculator first considers the colleges’ COA, which includes tuition and fees, cost of housing and food (or living expenses), books, supplies, and transportation expenses. Next, using financial data you enter into the calculator, the calculator estimates the amount that you/your family could reasonably expect to contribute to pay for college expenses. Finally, the calculator evaluates your eligibility for financial aid (need-based and non-need based) by matching your financial aid characteristics to the criteria the college uses to determine financial aid awards.
How can the Net Price Calculator help me?
Net price is the key to understanding what a specific college is likely to cost and allows you to better compare your out-of-pocket expense for multiple colleges.
Note: It is not recommended that a student use a net price calculator as the only determining factor for choosing a college or estimating educational costs. The estimate provided by this tool does not represent an actual example of current year net costs or financial assistance; figures are based on previous year numbers of COA and financial aid. The average COA and financial aid availability change from year to year.
Source: U.S. Department of Education