More about the GSFAPP
The Georgia Student Finance Application (GSFAPP) is the application used to apply for HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarships/Grants, Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant and the IPSE Grant.
To begin, you should create an account and include your Social Security Number (SSN) and Date of Birth (DOB). If an account has already been created, confirm the SSN and DOB in your profile under My GAfutures. This data is populated into your GSFAPP and must be correct, as you cannot change them on the application.
Georgia state law requires Selective Service registration for all males 18 years of age and older in order to qualify for state financial aid (including HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship and Grant and GTEG). Male applicants must meet the Selective Service Requirement. GSFC verifies Selective Service registration as part of the application process.
The application deadline is the last day of the school term or a student's withdrawal date, whichever occurs first. It is recommended that you submit your GSFAPP application as early as possible. The earlier you apply, the earlier the funds are disbursed to your school and credited to your account.