Preparing for College in Georgia
Congratulations on your accomplishments as a high school senior!
Things you will want to do to prepare for college in Georgia and with your secure GAfutures student account you can take care of them.
First, check your GAfutures student account. Don’t have one yet? Create one today!
Receive text messages from GAfutures about planning for college and GEORGIA MATCH! Add your phone number to your GAfutures account today and opt in for text messages.
Note: GAfutures is a secure site and we never sell information.
Make sure your GAfutures student profile includes your: correct name, high school name, address, date of birth, and social security number; so your records can be matched properly.
What you can do when signed into your GAfutures account:
- Complete the online Georgia Student Finance Application (GSFAPP)
- The GSFAPP is how you can apply for: HOPE Scholarship or Grant, Zell Miller Scholarship or Grant and (if attending an eligible private college) the TEG.
- You can finish the GSFAPP in 3-5 minutes. It is good for 10 years.
- Only for Males - Register with the US Selective Service. Georgia state law requires males, between the ages of 18 to 25, living in the US, to register with the federal Selective Service System prior to receiving state financial aid (including the HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship).
- Check your current HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship GPA calculation in your Dashboard through the My High School HOPE GPA tab.
- Check your HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship status based on the calculated transcript data submitted by your high school and your highest test score in GAfutures.
- Note: Georgia high schools electronically submit their graduating seniors’ final transcript records and their deadline to submit is June 30.
- Note: If your final transcript record is not available in your GAfutures account after June 30th, please contact your high school to verify they have your correct name, date of birth, and social security number.
- When your GAfutures account has the correct information and your high school reports your information, your records can be securely matched and GAfutures can provide you your status as well as the Georgia college you want to attend. The college will be able to determine your eligibility for HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship.
- To qualify for Zell Miller Scholarship, students must have a certain ACT or SAT score along with the required GPA.
To submit your ACT score report to GSFC, follow these steps:
- Go to and sign into your account.
- Select your ACT score report be sent to GSFC, enter recipient code: 2225.
- ACT will send GSFC an electronic file and your GAfutures record will be updated within 5 to 7 business days.
To submit your SAT score report, follow these steps:
- Print your test score report from College Board’s website for the SAT.
- Save your document as a pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, tif, or tiff.
- Select the Document Type: SAT Score
- Attach your document file and select the Submit button.
- Once a document is uploaded, student records are updated within 3 to 5 business days.
Other links in GAfutures you may find helpful:
- How To Track Your HOPE Academic Eligibility
- HOPE Scholarship - Initial Eligibility from High School
- Zell Miller Scholarship - Initial Eligibility from High School
- Selective Service
- State Programs – Check them out. You may qualify for a specialty program.