Zell Miller Grant
Georgia's Zell Miller Grant is available to Georgia residents who are working towards a certificate or diploma at a Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) or University System of Georgia (USG) institution.
The HOPE and/or Zell Miller programs have Paid-Hours and Combined-Paid hours limits:
- Hours paid while enrolled in high school or as a college student are included in the Combined-Paid Hours and/or Paid-Hours limits.
- The Grant and Scholarship Combined-Paid Hours limit is 127 semester hours. All hours paid by HOPE and/or Zell Miller Grant or Scholarship are counted in the Combined-Paid hours limit.
- The Grant Paid-Hours limit is 63 semester hours. All hours paid by HOPE and/or Zell Miller Grant are counted in the Grant Paid-Hours limit.
Students who receive HOPE Grant or Zell Miller Grant funding for an eligible program at an Eligible College will have all paid hours count towards the student’s HOPE or Zell Miller Grant 63 Paid-Hours limit and the grades earned will count towards the student’s HOPE or Zell Miller Grant GPA. Credit hours paid by HOPE or Zell Miller Grant will also count towards the HOPE and/or Zell Miller Scholarship 127 Combined-Paid hours limit.